Throughout my journey through the Master's in Education program at WWU, I've been immersed in graphic novels and comic books practically everyday.  I can't turn a corner without recognizing and getting excited about the graphic novels I see in the hands of students and on the shelves of libraries.

So it should've been no surprise when visiting my public library that, lo and behold, a GIANT display of graphic novels was right in front of me! I was so excited that I took a couple photos as evidence. My little old library, in my little city was capitalizing on the popularity of graphic novels too.

So don't doubt that your local librarian has done the same...and if she hasn't, ask her why not!? Check out your library and let me know what you find. How about your school library? Do they have a special section or display dedicated to my favorite format?

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    My name is Jenovia Chunyk and I'm an advocate for using graphic novels in the classroom. They have such enormous potential and most importantly, students love them!

    Please check back frequently for book recommendations, news, event information and more!

    Oh, and I'm a superhero on the derby I know all about that! 


    May 2012

